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Confidence in Love

Transcribed from "Confidence in Love Pt.1" video above.

This months blog is actually the video up above but I wanted to send it as a blog as well. I believe this is one of the greatest messages I have been sharing these last year and wanted to share it again. I pray you experience and encounter the sweet words of your Father, "You are my delight."

Did you know that you can have confidence in the Lord? Confidence in love?


This has been a huge thing in these last nine months in my own life.  I've been in Roman since 2019. And the Lord has been teaching me so much about who he is his redemptive purpose for me, for us, and then how I can look at him, and see how he made me how he thinks about me how he feels about me. Before I even start today on our teaching about confidence and love, I want to encourage you to just go through Romans eight, yourself to dive in. And then as you dive into Romans eight, why not dive into all of Romans, spend some time meditating, talking to the Lord about it, spend some time in Romans, and I promise you, you will find a confident love that God gives to us that he Grace's us and empowers us to live our lives. Well, today, I want to share with you a few scriptures, just that the Lord has been dealing with me on and in this last year, I've had the opportunity to speak at different things for entrepreneurs, for different people, starting businesses, for churches. And this has been a message or a theme that's been going throughout almost every single one of those. And so I wanted to sit down and take a moment to share.


What does it mean to have confidence and love? What does it mean to know who I am in the Lord?


You see, most of my life, in my day to day, it's about establishing prayer and worship in our city and in our nation. And as we talk about a life of prayer, or living my life connected to God with conversation after conversation after conversation; as we talk about establishing worship and prayer in our nation, we have to start by establishing worship and prayer in my own life, in my own heart, because this is where God starts. And as we see revival in my heart or in your heart, then we can see a corporate revival that happens that is an outward expression of what's happening on the inward. Bill Johnson says,


"what we do in secret, eventually God will always propel in the public."


Our life in God in the secret place, our life in God in a relationship with Him; We don't seek after that to get something in the public. It's not so that we can be powerful in the public, or we can have a powerful message or we can see people's lives change. Those are byproducts of hearing the voice of God, and God speaking to us and us following His will. I'm just hearing the instructions of my Father. And because I love him, I recognize that, wow, there's a reason there's a purpose. Sometimes He tells me what that reason is. And so I act upon that kind of understanding. Sometimes I don't know what the reasoning is, but I still do it. Then I see God move in a powerful way. But the issue that we struggle with so many times is:


When we're in the secret place, what do we think about God? How do we feel that God feels about us?

Do we know and understand how he loves us?

What you think God feels about you has everything to do with how you feel when you're spending time with God.


So before we start today, I want to read this scripture to you. This is the anchor, this is what peeled all the layers in my life. This was the scripture that God started with. And so I thought it was appropriate to start with this today.  Romans eight, verse one, it says,

"so now the case is closed, there remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life union with Jesus, the Anointed One, for the law of the Spirit of Life, flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the law of sin and death. So now, every righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled through the anointed one living His life in us and we are free to live. We are free to live not according to our flesh, but that dynamic power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 8:1-4

Is that not incredible? That means that when you come to him in a secret place, you are free. There is no accusation standing against you. There is no condemnation. And if Jesus doesn't condemn you then don't condemn yourself. Jesus doesn't condemn you! Wow, He's not looking at you with displeasure or hatred or anger, he relates to you out of delight. Actual delight.


Did you know that you are His pleasure? I am his pleasure. Just like with my own children, I love being with my kids. It doesn't matter if they've done something bad twenty minutes ago, it doesn't matter if they've done something great twenty minutes ago, it doesn't matter in their worst moment of a bad decision, or their biggest accomplishment. My feelings for my kids has never changed. I just love to be with them. That's how it is with your God. That's how it is with Dad our heavenly Father. He loves your presence.


You know, we pray this prayer all the time, "Lord, there's nothing like your presence. Let your presence consumer's me, let your presence fall and it will change everything." Do you know what the Lord's desire is? What He is saying?


He's saying your presence changes everything with me. I love your presence. I just want to be with you. Oh, come to me. I love it when we're together.


Do you hear the words of your father saying that to you? See, that is being confident in love. Because when I hear those words and am connected closely, hearing my father's voice saying, "Cassidy, your presence is everything to me. I just want to be with you." I find myself in a secret place before God. There is confidence in love.


Transcribed from "Confidence in Love Pt.1" video. 




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